Thursday, April 18, 2019

Bust Texture Pass

Finally got a chance to do a little texturing. Did a pass, skin is super difficult to do correctly...

I did 2 renders in Iray, one focusing on the texturing, and one with the specularity blown up to give it a resin look, as with the reference.

Next up, get it in Engine! Hopefully I'll find some time to spare in the coming few weeks before industry reviews.

Edit: I noticed the glossy render had some artifacting in the neck area due to the rendering. So I went and did a more refined edit. This one combines both into a more finalized approach.

Slimy little Alien boy.

Update: Heads successfully in Engine with minor hitches. Texture's are not working correctly due to incorrect scaling :( My mistake, an oversight, I thought I had the size sorted out in the FBX export but I didn't.

And it's in Engine, fixed with decent detail! Just need to make some lighting/scene changes and maybe some in engine material tweaks to get the full effect!